The stick2xyz Documentation 1.14.1
pane2dgray.h File Reference
#include <stick2xyz.h>
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#define PANE2DGRAY_H   (1)


stick2xyz_pctchar pane2dgray_name (void)
stick2xyz_pctchar pane2dgray_desc (void)
void pane2dgray_version (int *dest)
int pane2dgray_type (void)
void pane2dgray_set_tty (void *fildescout, void *fildescerr)
int pane2dgray_can_multithread (void)
int pane2dgray_is_multithreaded (pane2d_handle pane)
int pane2dgray_get_bpp (void)
void pane2dgray_getref (pane2d_handle pane, int *refcount, int *refwaiting)
int pane2dgray_addref (pane2d_handle pane)
int pane2dgray_releaseref (pane2d_handle pane, int asyncrelease, int shutdown)
int pane2dgray_isowner (pane2d_handle pane)
int pane2dgray_candraw (pane2d_handle pane)
DWORD pane2dgray_getownerinfo_windows (pane2d_handle pane, LPHANDLE destvar)
BOOL pane2dgray_getdrawaclinfo_windows (pane2d_handle pane, struct pane2d_drawacl *dest)
BOOL pane2dgray_freedrawaclinfo_windows (pane2d_handle pane, struct pane2d_drawacl *src)
int pane2dgray_waituntilowner (pane2d_handle pane, int addref)
int pane2dgray_termwaituntilowner (pane2d_handle pane)
int pane2dgray_changeaccesscontrol (pane2d_handle pane, void *hthread, int hthreadsize, uint32_t flags)
int pane2dgray_changeowningthread (pane2d_handle pane, void *newthread, int addref)
void * pane2dgray_eventreleased (pane2d_handle pane)
void pane2dgray_lang (stick2xyz_print_ptr newval)
pane2d_handle pane2dgray_alloc (int x, int y)
pane2d_handle pane2dgray_alloc_multithread (int x, int y, size_t maxthreads, uint32_t typesallowed)
void pane2dgray_clear (pane2d_handle pane)
void pane2dgray_free (pane2d_handle pane)
uint8_t ** pane2dgray_dupdata (pane2d_handle pane, int padding)
uint8_t ** pane2dgray_dupimage (pane2d_handle pane, int padding)
void pane2dgray_freeimage (pane2d_handle pane, uint8_t **image)
uint16_t ** pane2dgray_dupimage16 (pane2d_handle pane, int padding)
void pane2dgray_freeimage16 (pane2d_handle pane, uint16_t **image)
uint8_t * pane2dgray_dupdatap (pane2d_handle pane, int padding)
void pane2dgray_freedatap (pane2d_handle pane, uint8_t *image)
uint16_t * pane2dgray_dupdata16p (pane2d_handle pane, int padding)
void pane2dgray_freedata16p (pane2d_handle pane, uint16_t *image)
void pane2dgray_dupxy (pane2d_handle pane, int *x, int *y)
int pane2dgray_dupfunc_getlist (uint32_t typerequested, struct pane2d_dupgen_funcs *dest)
void pane2dgray_print_segment (pane2d_handle image, int use_rgb)
void pane2dgray_vertex_setopts (pane2d_handle pane, uint32_t newopts)
uint32_t pane2dgray_vertex_getopts (pane2d_handle pane)
int pane2dgray_vertex_get (pane2d_handle pane, int elm, struct pane2d_vertex_elm *dest)
int pane2dgray_vertex_get_v2 (pane2d_handle pane, int elm, struct pane2d_vertex_elm_v2 *dest)
uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_gray (pane2d_handle pane, uint8_t gray, uint8_t alpha, pane2d_texture_handle *dest)
uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_gray16 (pane2d_handle pane, uint16_t gray, uint16_t alpha, pane2d_texture_handle *dest)
uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_rgb (pane2d_handle pane, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha, pane2d_texture_handle *dest)
uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_rgb16 (pane2d_handle pane, uint16_t red, uint16_t green, uint16_t blue, uint16_t alpha, pane2d_texture_handle *dest)
int pane2dgray_texture_enum (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle *dest, uint64_t number)
void pane2dgray_texture_clear (pane2d_handle pane)
uint32_t pane2dgray_colortype (void)
void pane2dgray_drawpixel (pane2d_handle pane, int x, int y)
void pane2dgray_drawline (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void pane2dgray_drawcircle (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x, int y, int r)
void pane2dgray_fillcircle (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle src, int x, int y, int r)
void pane2dgray_drawellipse (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x, int y, int rx, int ry)
void pane2dgray_fillellipse (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle src, int x, int y, int rx, int ry)
void pane2dgray_drawrect (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void pane2dgray_fillrect (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle src, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void pane2dgray_drawsquare (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int l, int x1, int y1)
void pane2dgray_fillsquare (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle src, int l, int x1, int y1)
void pane2dgray_drawtriangle (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
void pane2dgray_filltriangle (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle src, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
void pane2dgray_drawrighttriangle (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int b)
void pane2dgray_fillrighttriangle (pane2d_handle pane, pane2d_texture_handle src, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int b)
void pane2dgray_drawtworighttriangles (pane2d_handle pane, int d, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PANE2DGRAY_H   (1)

Definition at line 21 of file pane2dgray.h.

Function Documentation

◆ pane2dgray_addref()

int pane2dgray_addref ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_addref for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_alloc()

pane2d_handle pane2dgray_alloc ( int  x,
int  y 

See mod_pane2d_alloc for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_alloc_multithread()

pane2d_handle pane2dgray_alloc_multithread ( int  x,
int  y,
size_t  maxthreads,
uint32_t  typesallowed 

See mod_pane2d_alloc_multithread for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_can_multithread()

int pane2dgray_can_multithread ( void  )

See mod_pane2d_can_multithread for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_candraw()

int pane2dgray_candraw ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_candraw for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_changeaccesscontrol()

int pane2dgray_changeaccesscontrol ( pane2d_handle  pane,
void *  hthread,
int  hthreadsize,
uint32_t  flags 

See mod_pane2d_changeaccesscontrol for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_changeowningthread()

int pane2dgray_changeowningthread ( pane2d_handle  pane,
void *  newthread,
int  addref 

See mod_pane2d_changeowningthread for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_clear()

void pane2dgray_clear ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_clear for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_colortype()

uint32_t pane2dgray_colortype ( void  )

See mod_pane2d_colortype for more information.

This function always returns STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_GRAY

◆ pane2dgray_desc()

stick2xyz_pctchar pane2dgray_desc ( void  )

Returns the the internally stored module short description.

See mod_pane2d_desc for more information.

Return values
stick2xyz_pctcharThe constant module short description.

◆ pane2dgray_drawcircle()

void pane2dgray_drawcircle ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x,
int  y,
int  r 

See mod_pane2d_drawcircle for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawellipse()

void pane2dgray_drawellipse ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x,
int  y,
int  rx,
int  ry 

See mod_pane2d_drawellipse for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawline()

void pane2dgray_drawline ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2 

See mod_pane2d_drawline for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawpixel()

void pane2dgray_drawpixel ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  x,
int  y 

See mod_pane2d_drawpixel for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawrect()

void pane2dgray_drawrect ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2 

See mod_pane2d_drawrect for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawrighttriangle()

void pane2dgray_drawrighttriangle ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  b 

See mod_pane2d_drawrighttriangle for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawsquare()

void pane2dgray_drawsquare ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  l,
int  x1,
int  y1 

See mod_pane2d_drawsquare for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawtriangle()

void pane2dgray_drawtriangle ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  x3,
int  y3 

See mod_pane2d_drawtriangle for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_drawtworighttriangles()

void pane2dgray_drawtworighttriangles ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  d,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2 

This function is not implemented, so it just returns to caller. See mod_pane2d_drawtworighttriangles for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupdata()

uint8_t ** pane2dgray_dupdata ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  padding 

See mod_pane2d_dupdata for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupdata16p()

uint16_t * pane2dgray_dupdata16p ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  padding 

See mod_pane2d_dupdata16p for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupdatap()

uint8_t * pane2dgray_dupdatap ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  padding 

See mod_pane2d_dupdatap for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupfunc_getlist()

int pane2dgray_dupfunc_getlist ( uint32_t  typerequested,
struct pane2d_dupgen_funcs dest 

See mod_pane2d_dupfunc_getlist for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupimage()

uint8_t ** pane2dgray_dupimage ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  padding 

See mod_pane2d_dupimage for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupimage16()

uint16_t ** pane2dgray_dupimage16 ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  padding 

See mod_pane2d_dupimage16 for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_dupxy()

void pane2dgray_dupxy ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int *  x,
int *  y 

See mod_pane2d_dupxy for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_eventreleased()

void * pane2dgray_eventreleased ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_eventreleased for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_fillcircle()

void pane2dgray_fillcircle ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle  src,
int  x,
int  y,
int  r 

See mod_pane2d_fillcircle for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_fillellipse()

void pane2dgray_fillellipse ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle  src,
int  x,
int  y,
int  rx,
int  ry 

See mod_pane2d_fillellipse for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_fillrect()

void pane2dgray_fillrect ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle  src,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2 

See mod_pane2d_fillrect for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_fillrighttriangle()

void pane2dgray_fillrighttriangle ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle  src,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  b 

See mod_pane2d_fillrighttriangle for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_fillsquare()

void pane2dgray_fillsquare ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle  src,
int  l,
int  x1,
int  y1 

See mod_pane2d_fillsquare for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_filltriangle()

void pane2dgray_filltriangle ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle  src,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  x3,
int  y3 

See mod_pane2d_filltriangle for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_free()

void pane2dgray_free ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_free for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_freedata16p()

void pane2dgray_freedata16p ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint16_t *  image 

See mod_pane2d_freedata16p for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_freedatap()

void pane2dgray_freedatap ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint8_t *  image 

See mod_pane2d_freedatap for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_freedrawaclinfo_windows()

BOOL pane2dgray_freedrawaclinfo_windows ( pane2d_handle  pane,
struct pane2d_drawacl src 

See mod_pane2d_freedrawaclinfo_windows for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_freeimage()

void pane2dgray_freeimage ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint8_t **  image 

See mod_pane2d_freeimage for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_freeimage16()

void pane2dgray_freeimage16 ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint16_t **  image 

See mod_pane2d_freeimage16 for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_get_bpp()

int pane2dgray_get_bpp ( void  )

This function always returns 8.

See mod_pane2d_get_bpp for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_getdrawaclinfo_windows()

BOOL pane2dgray_getdrawaclinfo_windows ( pane2d_handle  pane,
struct pane2d_drawacl dest 

See mod_pane2d_getdrawaclinfo_windows for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_getownerinfo_windows()

DWORD pane2dgray_getownerinfo_windows ( pane2d_handle  pane,
LPHANDLE  destvar 

See mod_pane2d_getownerinfo_windows for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_getref()

void pane2dgray_getref ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int *  refcount,
int *  refwaiting 

See mod_pane2d_getref for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_is_multithreaded()

int pane2dgray_is_multithreaded ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_is_multithreaded for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_isowner()

int pane2dgray_isowner ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_isowner for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_lang()

void pane2dgray_lang ( stick2xyz_print_ptr  newval)

Changes the pointer type of the language pack calling function.

This function is only used by the stick2xyz program's dynamic module loader. This function should not be called when the library is linked during the program build process.
This function is not implemented on Windows builds.

See mod_pane2d_lang for more information.

[in]newvalThe new function pointer to store.

◆ pane2dgray_name()

stick2xyz_pctchar pane2dgray_name ( void  )

Returns the internally stored UNIX module name.

See mod_pane2d_name for more information.

Return values
stick2xyz_pctcharString "pane2dgray"

◆ pane2dgray_print_segment()

void pane2dgray_print_segment ( pane2d_handle  image,
int  use_rgb 

This function prints a small amount of information stored in a pane2d_handle to ttyoutput.

This function is only available in debug builds. Define DEBUG before including stick2xyz.h to use this function. You can use –modlist to check for the word DEBUG in the module type. If the word DEBUG exists, this function is supported.

See mod_pane2d_print_segment for more information.

[in]imageThe handle to operate on.
[in]use_rgb1 to output in three bytes, 0 for one byte.

◆ pane2dgray_releaseref()

int pane2dgray_releaseref ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  asyncrelease,
int  shutdown 

See mod_pane2d_releaseref for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_set_tty()

void pane2dgray_set_tty ( void *  fildescout,
void *  fildescerr 

This function sets the file descriptors for writing to the terminal.

By default, the library uses stdout and stderr.

See mod_pane2d_set_tty for more information.

[in]fildescoutThe file descriptor for stdout, a FILE *.
[in]fildescerrThe file descriptor for stderr, a FILE *.

◆ pane2dgray_termwaituntilowner()

int pane2dgray_termwaituntilowner ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_termwaituntilowner for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_texture_add_gray()

uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_gray ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint8_t  gray,
uint8_t  alpha,
pane2d_texture_handle dest 

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_gray for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_texture_add_gray16()

uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_gray16 ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint16_t  gray,
uint16_t  alpha,
pane2d_texture_handle dest 

The values of gray and alpha are converted to 8-bit values since the module stores image data in 8 bpp.

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_gray16 for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_texture_add_rgb()

uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_rgb ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint8_t  red,
uint8_t  green,
uint8_t  blue,
uint8_t  alpha,
pane2d_texture_handle dest 

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_rgb for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_texture_add_rgb16()

uint64_t pane2dgray_texture_add_rgb16 ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint16_t  red,
uint16_t  green,
uint16_t  blue,
uint16_t  alpha,
pane2d_texture_handle dest 

The values of RGB and alpha are converted to 8-bit values since the module stores image data in 8 bpp.

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_rgb16 for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_texture_clear()

void pane2dgray_texture_clear ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_texture_clear for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_texture_enum()

int pane2dgray_texture_enum ( pane2d_handle  pane,
pane2d_texture_handle dest,
uint64_t  number 

See mod_pane2d_texture_enum for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_type()

int pane2dgray_type ( void  )

Returns the integer describing the module type.

The possible values are:

ASCII Modules:



UNICODE Modules:



See mod_pane2d_type for more information.

Return values
intThe module type as described above.

◆ pane2dgray_version()

void pane2dgray_version ( int *  dest)

Sets up the major, minor, and revision numbers into three integers.

See mod_pane2d_version for more information.

[out]destAn array of three integers to receive the module data.

◆ pane2dgray_vertex_get()

int pane2dgray_vertex_get ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  elm,
struct pane2d_vertex_elm dest 

See mod_pane2d_vertex_get for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_vertex_get_v2()

int pane2dgray_vertex_get_v2 ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  elm,
struct pane2d_vertex_elm_v2 dest 

See mod_pane2d_vertex_get_v2 for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_vertex_getopts()

uint32_t pane2dgray_vertex_getopts ( pane2d_handle  pane)

See mod_pane2d_vertex_getopts for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_vertex_setopts()

void pane2dgray_vertex_setopts ( pane2d_handle  pane,
uint32_t  newopts 

See mod_pane2d_vertex_setopts for more information.

◆ pane2dgray_waituntilowner()

int pane2dgray_waituntilowner ( pane2d_handle  pane,
int  addref 

See mod_pane2d_waituntilowner for more information. Logo  stick2xyz Project Page