The stick2xyz Documentation 1.14.1
stick2xyz.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ltdl.h>
#include <wchar.h>
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Data Structures

struct  pane2d_dupgen_funcs
struct  pane2d_dupgen_funcs_v3
struct  pane2d_dupgen_funcs_v2
struct  pane2d_dupgen_funcs_v1
struct  pane2d_vertex_elm
struct  pane2d_vertex_elm_v2
struct  pane2d_drawacl
struct  pane2d_drawacl_withthreadhandles
struct  pane2d_funcptrs
struct  pane2d_image_funcs
struct  pane2d_image16_funcs
struct  pane2d_datap_funcs
struct  pane2d_data16p_funcs
struct  output2d_qualityinfo
struct  output2d_funcptrs
struct  input_buf
struct  input_funcptrs


#define T(s)   L"s"
#define STICK2XYZ_LANGPACK_UTF8_16(d, v)
#define stick2xyz_strlen   wcslen
#define stick2xyz_strcat   wcscat
#define stick2xyz_strcpy   wcscpy
#define stick2xyz_strncpy   wcsncpy
#define stick2xyz_strcmp   wcscmp
#define stick2xyz_strncmp   wcsncmp
#define stick2xyz_strcasecmp   wcscasecmp
#define stick2xyz_fprintf   fwprintf
#define stick2xyz_fputs   fputws
#define stick2xyz_fputc   fputwc
#define stick2xyz_snprintf   swprintf
#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_NONE   0x00000000
#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_PANE2D   0x00000001
#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_PANE2D_DEBUG   0x00000002
#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_OUTPUT2D   0x00000010
#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_INPUT   0x00000100
#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_INPUT_DEBUG   0x00000200
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUTTYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUTTYPE_IS_PANE2D   0x00000001
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUTTYPE_IS_PANE3D   0x00000002
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_VERTEX_DRAW   0x00000001
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_VERTEX_STRUCT   0x00000002
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_VERTEX_NODRAW   0x00000004
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_NONE   0x00000000
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_GRAY   0x00000001
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_GRAY16   0x00000002
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_RGB   0x00000004
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_RGB16   0x00000008
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_ALL   0x0000000F
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_GRAY   0x00000001
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_RGB   0x00000002
#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_16BIT   0x00000020
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_INVALID   (input_handle)-1
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_ENOENT   (input_handle)-2
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_ERROR   (input_handle)-2
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_AUTO   0x00000000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_NOTSUPP   0x00000001
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_PLAIN   0x00000010
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_BINARY   0x00000020
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_GZIP   0x00000100
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_BZIP2   0x00000200
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_LZMA2   0x00000400
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_IS_UTF8(v)    ( ! ( v & 0x0000F000 ) )
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF8   0x00000000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF16BE   0x00001000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF16LE   0x00002000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF32BE   0x00004000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF32LE   0x00008000
#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_SMALL   0x10000000


typedef const wchar_t * stick2xyz_pctchar
typedef const wchar_t stick2xyz_ctchar
typedef wchar_t * stick2xyz_ptchar
typedef wchar_t stick2xyz_tchar
typedef int errno_t
typedef int stick2xyz_eventhandle
typedef int(* modid_type) (void)
typedef void(* modid_lang) (void *)
typedef void * pane2d_handle
typedef void * pane2d_texture_handle
typedef const wchar_t *(* pane2d_modid_name) (void)
typedef const wchar_t *(* pane2d_modid_desc) (void)
typedef void(* pane2d_modid_version) (int *)
typedef int(* pane2d_modid_type) (void)
typedef void(* pane2d_modid_lang) (void *)
typedef void(* pane2d_set_tty) (void *, void *)
typedef int(* pane2d_init) (int)
typedef int(* pane2d_release) (void)
typedef void(* pane2d_sigterm_ready) (int)
typedef int(* pane2d_sigterm) (pane2d_sigterm_ready, int)
typedef int(* pane2d_can_multithread) (void)
typedef int(* pane2d_is_multithreaded) (pane2d_handle)
typedef int(* pane2d_get_bpp) (void)
typedef void(* pane2d_getref) (pane2d_handle, int *, int *)
typedef int(* pane2d_addref) (pane2d_handle)
typedef int(* pane2d_releaseref) (pane2d_handle, int, int)
typedef int(* pane2d_isowner) (pane2d_handle)
typedef int(* pane2d_candraw) (pane2d_handle)
typedef int(* pane2d_waituntilowner) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef int(* pane2d_termwaituntilowner) (pane2d_handle)
typedef DWORD(* pane2d_getownerinfo_windows) (pane2d_handle, LPHANDLE)
typedef BOOL(* pane2d_getdrawaclinfo_windows) (pane2d_handle, struct pane2d_drawacl *)
typedef BOOL(* pane2d_freedrawaclinfo_windows) (pane2d_handle, struct pane2d_drawacl *)
typedef int(* pane2d_changeaccesscontrol) (pane2d_handle, PHANDLE, int, uint32_t)
typedef int(* pane2d_changeowningthread) (pane2d_handle, HANDLE, int)
typedef HANDLE(* pane2d_eventreleased) (pane2d_handle)
typedef uint32_t(* pane2d_vertex_getopts) (pane2d_handle)
typedef void(* pane2d_vertex_setopts) (pane2d_handle, uint32_t)
typedef int(* pane2d_vertex_get) (pane2d_handle, int, struct pane2d_vertex_elm *)
typedef int(* pane2d_vertex_get_v2) (pane2d_handle, int, struct pane2d_vertex_elm_v2 *)
typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_gray) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t, uint8_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)
typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_gray16) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t, uint16_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)
typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_rgb) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)
typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_rgb16) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)
typedef int(* pane2d_texture_enum) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle *, uint64_t)
typedef void(* pane2d_texture_clear) (pane2d_handle)
typedef uint32_t(* pane2d_colortype) (void)
typedef pane2d_handle(* pane2d_alloc) (int, int)
typedef pane2d_handle(* pane2d_alloc_multithread) (int, int, size_t, uint32_t)
typedef void(* pane2d_clear) (pane2d_handle)
typedef void(* pane2d_free) (pane2d_handle)
typedef uint8_t **(* pane2d_dupdata) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef uint8_t **(* pane2d_dupimage) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_freeimage) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t **)
typedef uint16_t **(* pane2d_dupimage16) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_freeimage16) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t **)
typedef uint8_t *(* pane2d_dupdatap) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_freedatap) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t *)
typedef uint16_t *(* pane2d_dupdata16p) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_freedata16p) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t *)
typedef void(* pane2d_dupxy) (pane2d_handle, int *, int *)
typedef int(* pane2d_dupfunc_getlist) (uint32_t, struct pane2d_dupgen_funcs *)
typedef void(* pane2d_print_segment) (pane2d_handle, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawpixel) (pane2d_handle, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawline) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawcircle) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_fillcircle) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawellipse) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_fillellipse) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawrect) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_fillrect) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawsquare) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_fillsquare) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawtriangle) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_filltriangle) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawrighttriangle) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_fillrighttriangle) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void(* pane2d_drawtworighttriangles) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int)
typedef void * output2d_handle
typedef const wchar_t *(* output2d_modid_name) (void)
typedef const wchar_t *(* output2d_modid_desc) (void)
typedef void(* output2d_modid_version) (int *)
typedef int(* output2d_modid_type) (void)
typedef void(* output2d_modid_lang) (void *)
typedef int(* output2d_multithread_safe) (void)
typedef void(* output2d_set_tty) (void *, void *)
typedef int(* output2d_init) (int)
typedef int(* output2d_release) (void)
typedef void(* output2d_sigterm_ready) (int)
typedef int(* output2d_sigterm) (output2d_sigterm_ready, int)
typedef int(* output2d_quality_range) (struct output2d_qualityinfo *)
typedef uint32_t(* output2d_quality_valid) (const int)
typedef size_t(* output2d_bpp_list) (int *)
typedef int(* output2d_bpp_supported) (const int)
typedef int(* output2d_bpp_default) (void)
typedef output2d_handle(* pane_to_output2d) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupdata, pane2d_dupxy, int)
typedef output2d_handle(* paneimage_to_output2d) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupimage, pane2d_freeimage, pane2d_dupxy, int)
typedef output2d_handle(* pane16_to_output2d_bytype) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupfunc_getlist, int, unsigned int)
typedef output2d_handle(* pane_to_output2d_bytype) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupfunc_getlist, int, unsigned int)
typedef void(* output2d_free_handle) (output2d_handle)
typedef int(* output2d_getnewdata) (output2d_handle, unsigned int)
typedef int(* output2d_write_w) (output2d_handle, const wchar_t *, unsigned int, int)
typedef int(* output2d_write) (output2d_handle, const char *, unsigned int, int)
typedef void(* output2d_read) (const char *)
typedef void * input_handle
typedef const wchar_t *(* input_modid_name) (void)
typedef const wchar_t *(* input_modid_desc) (void)
typedef void(* input_modid_version) (int *)
typedef int(* input_modid_type) (void)
typedef void(* input_modid_lang) (void *)
typedef int(* input_init) (int)
typedef int(* input_release) (void)
typedef void(* input_set_tty) (void *, void *)
typedef void(* input_sigterm_ready) (int)
typedef int(* input_sigterm) (input_sigterm_ready, int)
typedef int(* input_type_supported) (uint32_t)
typedef uint32_t(* input_get_supportedalgorithm) (void)
typedef input_handle(* input_open) (void *)
typedef input_handle(* input_open_bt) (void *, uint32_t *)
typedef input_handle(* input_fopen) (const char *)
typedef input_handle(* input_fopen_bt) (const char *, uint32_t *)
typedef input_handle(* input_fdopen) (int)
typedef input_handle(* input_fdopen_bt) (int, uint32_t *)
typedef input_handle(* input_fwopen) (const wchar_t *)
typedef input_handle(* input_fwopen_bt) (const wchar_t *, uint32_t *)
typedef void(* input_close) (input_handle)
typedef uint32_t(* input_get_algorithm) (input_handle)
typedef uint32_t(* input_get_utftype) (input_handle)
typedef uint64_t(* input_get_lineno) (input_handle)
typedef int(* input_read) (input_handle, struct input_buf *, size_t, size_t)


void * alloca (size_t)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ stick2xyz_fprintf

#define stick2xyz_fprintf   fwprintf

Definition at line 158 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_fputc

#define stick2xyz_fputc   fputwc

Definition at line 160 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_fputs

#define stick2xyz_fputs   fputws

Definition at line 159 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_ENOENT   (input_handle)-2

When any of the input file open functions report this error, the file asked to be opened did not exist or there was an access violation. errno is left untouched after the call to fopen and _wfopen. The value is the same as STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_ERROR.

Definition at line 1907 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_ERROR   (input_handle)-2

When any of the input file open functions report this error, there was an error opening the file. The value is the same as STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_ENOENT. errno is left untouched after the call to fopen and _wfopen.

Definition at line 1915 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_OPEN_INVALID   (input_handle)-1

When any of the input file open functions report this error, the file asked to be opened was not a valid text file.

Definition at line 1898 of file stick2xyz.h.



When any of the input file open functions report this error, there was not enough memory to allocate a new handle.

Definition at line 1921 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_AUTO   0x00000000

This type forces auto-detection of the input file's compression type, if possible.

Definition at line 1927 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_BINARY   0x00000020

This type is returned when the file being read is made of binary data. This is expected to be used in the 2.x version of stick2xyz.

Definition at line 1948 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_BZIP2   0x00000200

This type processes the input file as a bzip2 file.

Definition at line 1958 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_GZIP   0x00000100

This type processes the input file as a gzip file.

Definition at line 1953 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_IS_UTF8 (   v)     ( ! ( v & 0x0000F000 ) )

This macro returns 1 if v is ASCII or UTF-8, 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 1974 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_LZMA2   0x00000400

This type processes the input file as a LZMA2 file.

This algorithm is not yet supported on the Windows build. For now, when it is detected on Windows, an error is given to the user. Someone will need to write decompression routines (with 7-Zip?) to make this work on Windows.

Definition at line 1969 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_NOTSUPP   0x00000001

This type is returned when the module detects that the input file, though not supported by the current module, may be supported by a different module. This type is expected to be in use in the 2.x version of stick2xyz.

Definition at line 1935 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_PLAIN   0x00000010

This type bypasses compression checks and processes the input file as a plain text file.

Definition at line 1941 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_SMALL   0x10000000

This type can be OR'ed to the other input types. This allows you to ask the decompression routines to use the least amount of memory possible. This type can be checked for after calling an open function to determine if the decompression is using this option.

This type is not available for STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_PLAIN because the type PLAIN is for uncompressed files and data. Attempting to use both types will result in an error.

Definition at line 2038 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF16BE   0x00001000

This type is returned in _bt open functions as OR'ed. This means the file is a UTF-16 Big Endian file.

On ASCII builds of stick2xyz, this type can be checked for as a way to figure out why the open function failed.

Definition at line 1993 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF16LE   0x00002000

This type is returned in _bt open functions as OR'ed. This means the file is a UTF-16 Little Endian file.

On ASCII builds of stick2xyz, this type can be checked for as a way to figure out why the open function failed.

Definition at line 2003 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF32BE   0x00004000

This type is returned in _bt open functions as OR'ed. This means the file is a UTF-32 Big Endian file.

On ASCII builds of stick2xyz, this type can be checked for as a way to figure out why the open function failed.

Definition at line 2013 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF32LE   0x00008000

This type is returned in _bt open functions as OR'ed. This means the file is a UTF-32 Little Endian file.

On ASCII builds of stick2xyz, this type can be checked for as a way to figure out why the open function failed.

Definition at line 2023 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_UTF8   0x00000000

This type is returned in _bt open functions as OR'ed. This means the file is a UTF-8 or ASCII file. This value will always be zero. Use STICK2XYZ_INPUT_TYPE_IS_UTF8 to determine if the file is UTF-8 or ASCII.

Definition at line 1983 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 252 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 283 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 271 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 257 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 259 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 255 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 254 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 262 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 263 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 266 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 269 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 272 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 258 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 260 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 264 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 265 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 267 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 270 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUTTYPE_IS_PANE2D   0x00000001

Definition at line 248 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUTTYPE_IS_PANE3D   0x00000002

Definition at line 249 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 251 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 284 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 274 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 275 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 276 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 277 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 278 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 279 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 280 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 281 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_INPUTTYPE_UNKNOWN   0x00000000

Definition at line 247 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_LANGPACK_UTF8_16 (   d,
wchar_t * d; \
if ( v != NULL ) { \
d = (wchar_t *)alloca((strlen(v) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); \
mbstowcs(d, v, strlen(v) + 1); \
} else { d = NULL; }
void * alloca(size_t)

Definition at line 34 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 244 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 245 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_INPUT   0x00000100

Definition at line 231 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_INPUT_DEBUG   0x00000200

Definition at line 232 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 233 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 234 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_NONE   0x00000000

Definition at line 222 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_OUTPUT2D   0x00000010

Definition at line 227 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 228 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 229 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 230 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_PANE2D   0x00000001

Definition at line 223 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_MODTYPE_PANE2D_DEBUG   0x00000002

Definition at line 224 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 225 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 226 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 1621 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 1623 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 1622 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 1620 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 305 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 306 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 413 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 410 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 412 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 416 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 411 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 409 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 415 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_ALL   0x0000000F

Definition at line 405 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_GRAY   0x00000001

Definition at line 401 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_GRAY16   0x00000002

Definition at line 402 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_NONE   0x00000000

Definition at line 400 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_RGB   0x00000004

Definition at line 403 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_ALLOC_RGB16   0x00000008

Definition at line 404 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 295 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 296 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_16BIT   0x00000020

Definition at line 439 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 438 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_GRAY   0x00000001

Definition at line 436 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_COLORTYPE_RGB   0x00000002

Definition at line 437 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 297 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 298 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 294 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 293 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 299 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 300 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 424 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 423 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 422 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 421 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 420 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 301 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 302 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 429 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 430 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 428 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 431 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 432 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 303 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 304 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_VERTEX_DRAW   0x00000001

Definition at line 287 of file stick2xyz.h.



Definition at line 290 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_VERTEX_NODRAW   0x00000004

Definition at line 289 of file stick2xyz.h.


#define STICK2XYZ_PANE2D_VERTEX_STRUCT   0x00000002

Definition at line 288 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_snprintf

#define stick2xyz_snprintf   swprintf

Definition at line 162 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strcasecmp

#define stick2xyz_strcasecmp   wcscasecmp

Definition at line 156 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strcat

#define stick2xyz_strcat   wcscat

Definition at line 151 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strcmp

#define stick2xyz_strcmp   wcscmp

Definition at line 154 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strcpy

#define stick2xyz_strcpy   wcscpy

Definition at line 152 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strlen

#define stick2xyz_strlen   wcslen

Definition at line 150 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strncmp

#define stick2xyz_strncmp   wcsncmp

Definition at line 155 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_strncpy

#define stick2xyz_strncpy   wcsncpy

Definition at line 153 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ T

#define T (   s)    L"s"

Definition at line 33 of file stick2xyz.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ errno_t

typedef int errno_t

Definition at line 195 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_close

typedef void(* input_close) (input_handle)

See mod_input_close for more information.

Definition at line 2180 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_fdopen

typedef input_handle(* input_fdopen) (int)

See mod_input_fdopen for more information.

Definition at line 2162 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_fdopen_bt

typedef input_handle(* input_fdopen_bt) (int, uint32_t *)

See mod_input_fdopen_bt for more information.

Definition at line 2166 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_fopen

typedef input_handle(* input_fopen) (const char *)

See mod_input_fopen for more information.

Definition at line 2154 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_fopen_bt

typedef input_handle(* input_fopen_bt) (const char *, uint32_t *)

See mod_input_fopen_bt for more information.

Definition at line 2158 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_fwopen

typedef input_handle(* input_fwopen) (const wchar_t *)

See mod_input_fwopen for more information.

Definition at line 2171 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_fwopen_bt

typedef input_handle(* input_fwopen_bt) (const wchar_t *, uint32_t *)

See mod_input_fwopen_bt for more information.

Definition at line 2175 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_get_algorithm

typedef uint32_t(* input_get_algorithm) (input_handle)

See mod_input_get_algorithm for more information.

Definition at line 2185 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_get_lineno

typedef uint64_t(* input_get_lineno) (input_handle)

See mod_input_get_lineno for more information.

Definition at line 2193 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_get_supportedalgorithm

typedef uint32_t(* input_get_supportedalgorithm) (void)

See mod_input_get_supportedalgorithm for more information.

Definition at line 2141 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_get_utftype

typedef uint32_t(* input_get_utftype) (input_handle)

See mod_input_get_utftype for more information.

Definition at line 2189 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_handle

typedef void* input_handle

This is the generic handle for input objects. This is void *, thus permitting you to use a struct or class as a handle.

Definition at line 1892 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_init

typedef int(* input_init) (int)

See mod_input_init for more information.

Definition at line 2108 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_modid_desc

typedef const wchar_t *(* input_modid_desc) (void)

See mod_input_desc for more information.

Definition at line 2085 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_modid_lang

typedef void(* input_modid_lang) (void *)

See mod_input_lang for more information.

Definition at line 2101 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_modid_name

typedef const wchar_t *(* input_modid_name) (void)

See mod_input_name for more information.

Definition at line 2081 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_modid_type

typedef int(* input_modid_type) (void)

See mod_input_type for more information.

Definition at line 2097 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_modid_version

typedef void(* input_modid_version) (int *)

See mod_input_version for more information.

Definition at line 2093 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_open

typedef input_handle(* input_open) (void *)

See mod_input_open for more information.

Definition at line 2146 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_open_bt

typedef input_handle(* input_open_bt) (void *, uint32_t *)

See mod_input_open_bt for more information.

Definition at line 2150 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_read

typedef int(* input_read) (input_handle, struct input_buf *, size_t, size_t)

See mod_input_read for more information.

Definition at line 2198 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_release

typedef int(* input_release) (void)

See mod_input_release for more information.

Definition at line 2112 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_set_tty

typedef void(* input_set_tty) (void *, void *)

See mod_input_set_tty for more information.

Definition at line 2117 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_sigterm

typedef int(* input_sigterm) (input_sigterm_ready, int)

This type is not available on Windows.

See mod_input_sigterm for more information.

Definition at line 2131 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_sigterm_ready

typedef void(* input_sigterm_ready) (int)

This type is not available on Windows.

See mod_input_sigterm for more information.

Definition at line 2125 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ input_type_supported

typedef int(* input_type_supported) (uint32_t)

See mod_input_type_supported for more information.

Definition at line 2137 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ modid_lang

typedef void(* modid_lang) (void *)

This is the generic language pack changer. Modules that depend on the language packs will define this function.

Definition at line 379 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ modid_type

typedef int(* modid_type) (void)

This is the generic definition for the module type. The dynamic loader depends on this to determine how to handle the type.

The function names expected in the modules are:

For Output 2-D modules: mod_output2d_type.

For Pane 2-D modules: mod_pane2d_type.

For Input modules: mod_input_type.

Definition at line 373 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_bpp_default

typedef int(* output2d_bpp_default) (void)

See mod_output2d_bpp_default for more information.

Definition at line 1759 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_bpp_list

typedef size_t(* output2d_bpp_list) (int *)

See mod_output2d_bpp_list for more information.

Definition at line 1751 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_bpp_supported

typedef int(* output2d_bpp_supported) (const int)

See mod_output2d_bpp_supported for more information.

Definition at line 1755 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_free_handle

typedef void(* output2d_free_handle) (output2d_handle)

See mod_output2d_free_handle for more information.

Definition at line 1803 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_getnewdata

typedef int(* output2d_getnewdata) (output2d_handle, unsigned int)

See mod_output2d_getnewdata for more information.

Definition at line 1807 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_handle

typedef void* output2d_handle

This is the generic handle for output2d objects. This is void *, thus permitting you to use a struct or class as a handle.

Definition at line 1630 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_init

typedef int(* output2d_init) (int)

See mod_output2d_init for more information.

Definition at line 1712 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_modid_desc

typedef const wchar_t *(* output2d_modid_desc) (void)

See mod_output2d_desc for more information.

Definition at line 1682 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_modid_lang

typedef void(* output2d_modid_lang) (void *)

See mod_output2d_lang for more information.

Definition at line 1698 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_modid_name

typedef const wchar_t *(* output2d_modid_name) (void)

See mod_output2d_name for more information.

Definition at line 1678 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_modid_type

typedef int(* output2d_modid_type) (void)

See mod_output2d_type for more information.

Definition at line 1694 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_modid_version

typedef void(* output2d_modid_version) (int *)

See mod_output2d_version for more information.

Definition at line 1690 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_multithread_safe

typedef int(* output2d_multithread_safe) (void)

See mod_output2d_multithread_safe for more information.

Definition at line 1702 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_quality_range

typedef int(* output2d_quality_range) (struct output2d_qualityinfo *)

See mod_output2d_quality_range for more information.

Definition at line 1738 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_quality_valid

typedef uint32_t(* output2d_quality_valid) (const int)

See mod_output2d_quality_valid for more information.

Definition at line 1744 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_read

typedef void(* output2d_read) (const char *)

See mod_output2d_read for more information.

Definition at line 1837 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_release

typedef int(* output2d_release) (void)

See mod_output2d_release for more information.

Definition at line 1716 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_set_tty

typedef void(* output2d_set_tty) (void *, void *)

See mod_output2d_set_tty for more information.

Definition at line 1706 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_sigterm

typedef int(* output2d_sigterm) (output2d_sigterm_ready, int)

This type is not available on Windows.

See mod_output2d_sigterm for more information.

Definition at line 1730 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_sigterm_ready

typedef void(* output2d_sigterm_ready) (int)

This type is not available on Windows.

See mod_output2d_sigterm for more information.

Definition at line 1724 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_write

typedef int(* output2d_write) (output2d_handle, const char *, unsigned int, int)

See mod_output2d_write for more information.

Definition at line 1825 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ output2d_write_w

typedef int(* output2d_write_w) (output2d_handle, const wchar_t *, unsigned int, int)

See mod_output2d_write_w for more information.

Definition at line 1815 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane16_to_output2d_bytype

typedef output2d_handle(* pane16_to_output2d_bytype) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupfunc_getlist, int, unsigned int)

See mod_pane16bytype_to_output2d for more information.

Definition at line 1785 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_addref

typedef int(* pane2d_addref) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_addref for more information.

Definition at line 929 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_alloc

typedef pane2d_handle(* pane2d_alloc) (int, int)

See mod_pane2d_alloc for more information.

Definition at line 1101 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_alloc_multithread

typedef pane2d_handle(* pane2d_alloc_multithread) (int, int, size_t, uint32_t)

See mod_pane2d_alloc_multithread for more information.

Definition at line 1105 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_can_multithread

typedef int(* pane2d_can_multithread) (void)

See mod_pane2d_can_multithread for more information.

Definition at line 907 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_candraw

typedef int(* pane2d_candraw) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_candraw for more information.

Definition at line 941 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_changeaccesscontrol

typedef int(* pane2d_changeaccesscontrol) (pane2d_handle, PHANDLE, int, uint32_t)

See mod_pane2d_changeaccesscontrol for more information.

Definition at line 979 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_changeowningthread

typedef int(* pane2d_changeowningthread) (pane2d_handle, HANDLE, int)

See mod_pane2d_changeowningthread for more information.

Definition at line 988 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_clear

typedef void(* pane2d_clear) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_clear for more information.

Definition at line 1114 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_colortype

typedef uint32_t(* pane2d_colortype) (void)

See mod_pane2d_colortype for more information.

Definition at line 1094 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawcircle

typedef void(* pane2d_drawcircle) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawcircle for more information.

Definition at line 1190 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawellipse

typedef void(* pane2d_drawellipse) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawellipse for more information.

Definition at line 1204 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawline

typedef void(* pane2d_drawline) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawline for more information.

Definition at line 1185 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawpixel

typedef void(* pane2d_drawpixel) (pane2d_handle, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawpixel for more information.

Definition at line 1181 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawrect

typedef void(* pane2d_drawrect) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawrect for more information.

Definition at line 1220 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawrighttriangle

typedef void(* pane2d_drawrighttriangle) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawrighttriangle for more information.

Definition at line 1276 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawsquare

typedef void(* pane2d_drawsquare) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawsquare for more information.

Definition at line 1235 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawtriangle

typedef void(* pane2d_drawtriangle) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_drawtriangle for more information.

Definition at line 1250 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_drawtworighttriangles

typedef void(* pane2d_drawtworighttriangles) (pane2d_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int)

This function type is under construction.

Definition at line 1300 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupdata

typedef uint8_t **(* pane2d_dupdata) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_dupdata for more information.

Definition at line 1125 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupdata16p

typedef uint16_t *(* pane2d_dupdata16p) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_dupdata16p for more information.

Definition at line 1153 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupdatap

typedef uint8_t *(* pane2d_dupdatap) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_dupdatap for more information.

Definition at line 1145 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupfunc_getlist

typedef int(* pane2d_dupfunc_getlist) (uint32_t, struct pane2d_dupgen_funcs *)

See mod_pane2d_dupfunc_getlist for more information.

Definition at line 1165 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupimage

typedef uint8_t **(* pane2d_dupimage) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_dupimage for more information.

Definition at line 1129 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupimage16

typedef uint16_t **(* pane2d_dupimage16) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_dupimage16 for more information.

Definition at line 1137 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_dupxy

typedef void(* pane2d_dupxy) (pane2d_handle, int *, int *)

See mod_pane2d_dupxy for more information.

Definition at line 1161 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_eventreleased

typedef HANDLE(* pane2d_eventreleased) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_eventreleased for more information.

Definition at line 992 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_fillcircle

typedef void(* pane2d_fillcircle) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_fillcircle for more information.

Definition at line 1194 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_fillellipse

typedef void(* pane2d_fillellipse) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_fillellipse for more information.

Definition at line 1208 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_fillrect

typedef void(* pane2d_fillrect) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_fillrect for more information.

Definition at line 1224 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_fillrighttriangle

typedef void(* pane2d_fillrighttriangle) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_fillrighttriangle for more information.

Definition at line 1288 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_fillsquare

typedef void(* pane2d_fillsquare) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_fillsquare for more information.

Definition at line 1239 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_filltriangle

typedef void(* pane2d_filltriangle) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle, int, int, int, int, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_filltriangle for more information.

Definition at line 1263 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_free

typedef void(* pane2d_free) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_free for more information.

Definition at line 1118 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_freedata16p

typedef void(* pane2d_freedata16p) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t *)

See mod_pane2d_freedata16p for more information.

Definition at line 1157 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_freedatap

typedef void(* pane2d_freedatap) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t *)

See mod_pane2d_freedatap for more information.

Definition at line 1149 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_freedrawaclinfo_windows

typedef BOOL(* pane2d_freedrawaclinfo_windows) (pane2d_handle, struct pane2d_drawacl *)

This type is only available on Windows.

See mod_pane2d_freedrawaclinfo_windows for more information.

Definition at line 972 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_freeimage

typedef void(* pane2d_freeimage) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t **)

See mod_pane2d_freeimage for more information.

Definition at line 1133 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_freeimage16

typedef void(* pane2d_freeimage16) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t **)

See mod_pane2d_freeimage16 for more information.

Definition at line 1141 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_get_bpp

typedef int(* pane2d_get_bpp) (void)

See mod_pane2d_get_bpp for more information.

Definition at line 918 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_getdrawaclinfo_windows

typedef BOOL(* pane2d_getdrawaclinfo_windows) (pane2d_handle, struct pane2d_drawacl *)

This type is only available on Windows.

See mod_pane2d_getdrawaclinfo_windows for more information.

Definition at line 963 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_getownerinfo_windows

typedef DWORD(* pane2d_getownerinfo_windows) (pane2d_handle, LPHANDLE)

This type is only available on Windows.

See mod_pane2d_getownerinfo_windows for more information.

Definition at line 957 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_getref

typedef void(* pane2d_getref) (pane2d_handle, int *, int *)

See mod_pane2d_getref for more information.

Definition at line 925 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_handle

typedef void* pane2d_handle

This is the generic handle for pane2d objects. This is void *, thus permitting you to use a struct or class as a handle.

Definition at line 447 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_init

typedef int(* pane2d_init) (int)

See mod_pane2d_init for more information.

Definition at line 882 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_is_multithreaded

typedef int(* pane2d_is_multithreaded) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_is_multithreaded for more information.

Definition at line 911 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_isowner

typedef int(* pane2d_isowner) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_isowner for more information.

Definition at line 937 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_modid_desc

typedef const wchar_t *(* pane2d_modid_desc) (void)

See mod_pane2d_desc for more information.

Definition at line 856 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_modid_lang

typedef void(* pane2d_modid_lang) (void *)

See mod_pane2d_lang for more information.

Definition at line 872 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_modid_name

typedef const wchar_t *(* pane2d_modid_name) (void)

See mod_pane2d_name for more information.

Definition at line 852 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_modid_type

typedef int(* pane2d_modid_type) (void)

See mod_pane2d_type for more information.

Definition at line 868 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_modid_version

typedef void(* pane2d_modid_version) (int *)

See mod_pane2d_version for more information.

Definition at line 864 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_print_segment

typedef void(* pane2d_print_segment) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_print_segment for more information.

Definition at line 1173 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_release

typedef int(* pane2d_release) (void)

See mod_pane2d_release for more information.

Definition at line 886 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_releaseref

typedef int(* pane2d_releaseref) (pane2d_handle, int, int)

See mod_pane2d_releaseref for more information.

Definition at line 933 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_set_tty

typedef void(* pane2d_set_tty) (void *, void *)

See mod_pane2d_set_tty for more information.

Definition at line 876 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_sigterm

typedef int(* pane2d_sigterm) (pane2d_sigterm_ready, int)

This type is not available on Windows.

See mod_pane2d_sigterm for more information.

Definition at line 899 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_sigterm_ready

typedef void(* pane2d_sigterm_ready) (int)

This type is not available on Windows.

See mod_pane2d_sigterm for more information.

Definition at line 893 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_termwaituntilowner

typedef int(* pane2d_termwaituntilowner) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_termwaituntilowner for more information.

Definition at line 949 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_add_gray

typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_gray) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t, uint8_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_gray for more information.

Definition at line 1042 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_add_gray16

typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_gray16) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t, uint16_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_gray16 for more information.

Definition at line 1051 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_add_rgb

typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_rgb) (pane2d_handle, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_rgb for more information.

Definition at line 1060 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_add_rgb16

typedef uint64_t(* pane2d_texture_add_rgb16) (pane2d_handle, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, pane2d_texture_handle *)

See mod_pane2d_texture_add_rgb16 for more information.

Definition at line 1071 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_clear

typedef void(* pane2d_texture_clear) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_texture_clear for more information.

Definition at line 1090 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_enum

typedef int(* pane2d_texture_enum) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_texture_handle *, uint64_t)

See mod_pane2d_texture_enum for more information.

Definition at line 1082 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_texture_handle

typedef void* pane2d_texture_handle

This is the generic handle for pane2d textures. This is void *, thus permitting you to use a struct or class as a handle.

Definition at line 453 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_vertex_get

typedef int(* pane2d_vertex_get) (pane2d_handle, int, struct pane2d_vertex_elm *)

See mod_pane2d_vertex_get for more information.

Definition at line 1027 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_vertex_get_v2

typedef int(* pane2d_vertex_get_v2) (pane2d_handle, int, struct pane2d_vertex_elm_v2 *)

See mod_pane2d_vertex_get_v2 for more information.

Definition at line 1031 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_vertex_getopts

typedef uint32_t(* pane2d_vertex_getopts) (pane2d_handle)

See mod_pane2d_vertex_getopts for more information.

Definition at line 1019 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_vertex_setopts

typedef void(* pane2d_vertex_setopts) (pane2d_handle, uint32_t)

See mod_pane2d_vertex_setopts for more information.

Definition at line 1023 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane2d_waituntilowner

typedef int(* pane2d_waituntilowner) (pane2d_handle, int)

See mod_pane2d_waituntilowner for more information.

Definition at line 945 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane_to_output2d

typedef output2d_handle(* pane_to_output2d) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupdata, pane2d_dupxy, int)

See mod_pane_to_output2d for more information.

Definition at line 1766 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ pane_to_output2d_bytype

typedef output2d_handle(* pane_to_output2d_bytype) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupfunc_getlist, int, unsigned int)

See mod_panebytype_to_output2d for more information.

Definition at line 1794 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ paneimage_to_output2d

typedef output2d_handle(* paneimage_to_output2d) (pane2d_handle, pane2d_dupimage, pane2d_freeimage, pane2d_dupxy, int)

See mod_paneimage_to_output2d for more information.

Definition at line 1775 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_ctchar

typedef const wchar_t stick2xyz_ctchar

Definition at line 146 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_eventhandle

typedef int stick2xyz_eventhandle

Definition at line 326 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_pctchar

typedef const wchar_t* stick2xyz_pctchar

Definition at line 145 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_ptchar

typedef wchar_t* stick2xyz_ptchar

Definition at line 147 of file stick2xyz.h.

◆ stick2xyz_tchar

typedef wchar_t stick2xyz_tchar

Definition at line 148 of file stick2xyz.h.

Function Documentation

◆ alloca()

void * alloca ( size_t  ) Logo  stick2xyz Project Page