The stick2xyz Documentation 1.14.1
The Library Mechanism

In this page, the internal mechanism of the library functions is described in detail. This page has technical information in it regarding C code. New developers working on the internals of the library calling functions within the stick2xyz program should read this documentation page. read Creating Stick Figure Viewer/Converter Modules.

Human Language Pack Table of Contents

  1. Definitions for the Human Language Pack System
  2. Library Mechanism Structure

Definitions for the Human Language Pack System

Library Mechanism Structure

The first structure is the src/modules directory. In this structure are the actual source code of the modules. The directories in this structure are named based on the module type. Inside those directories are the individual module directories, where the actual source code of the modules are stored.

The second structure is the src/language directory. In this structure is the human language library call receiving function. This structure receives the request calls from stick2xyz to output information to a FILE *, usually set to stdout. The function calls the appropriate function in the language/ directory. Each human language has its own library call receiving function.

The third structure is the src/genlang directory. In this structure are the functions defined for calling the human language library from the stick2xyz program. These are essentially the functions that call the function in the second structure to request an output of text, usually to stdout.

The fourth structure is the src/stick2xyz directory. In this structure is where the main program starts. dynamic.c contains the code for calling libraries in dynamic mode. static.c contains the code for calling libraries in static mode. stick.c has the main fucntion, where the program starts.

The fifth structure is the language/ directory. In this structure is the code that does the actual output of text to a FILE *. This structure is outside the src directory to make it easier to create human language packs. Logo  stick2xyz Project Page